Responsive Jersey City Lawyers Fight for Accident Victims’ Rights

Experienced New Jersey attorneys provide compassionate representation in personal injury matters

Being involved in a serious accident is a jarring and emotional experience. At The Gargano Law Firm in Jersey City, we have witnessed the devastating consequences of severe injuries and help clients across the Tri-State area pursue personal injury claims. We are skilled at building strong cases and successfully combating insurance company tactics. Whether you were hit by a car while crossing the street, bitten by a neighbor’s dog or you suffered a traumatic brain injury in a trucking accident, we will fully investigate your case and fight for fair compensation.

What are some common reasons road accidents happen?

Traffic laws are designed to minimize accidents and keep drivers and pedestrians safe. When these rules are ignored, the possibility of accidents and severe injuries greatly increases. Some common reasons accidents occur include:

  • Running a red light
  • Speeding
  • DUI
  • Drowsy driving
  • Texting/phone calls

Whether one or more of these factors are relevant to your or not, if you were injured in an auto, truck or pedestrian accident, we will aggressively fight to maximize the payment you receive.

What are the elements of a legal claim for a slip and fall injury?

Property owners and businesses have a duty to keep their premises free from hazards, and they can be held liable if a dangerous condition causes visitors or guests injury. To establish a party is liable, you must demonstrate the following:

  • A dangerous condition existed
  • The owner/occupier knew or should have known about it
  • The owner/occupier had time to address the condition, or warn visitors and guests, but failed to do so
  • As a result, you suffered an injury

These cases can be complex, and we will gather the strongest possible evidence to establish your slip and fall claim.

Is a dog owner always liable if the animal bites someone?

Under New Jersey law, dog owners are legally responsible, in most cases, if their animal bites someone, even if the dog has no history of biting or violent tendencies. If the bite/injury occurred while the animal was under someone else's control or care, those individuals may be liable under negligence law. The facts of each claim will determine the best course of action, and we will explain what to expect throughout your case.

What are the symptoms of a traumatic brain injury?

Accidents that cause the brain to violently jostle within the skull can lead to traumatic brain injury. These injuries are not always apparent and are associated with symptoms such as:

  • Short-term memory loss
  • Headaches
  • Personality changes
  • Sensitivity to light or sound
  • Sleep issues

We know how to accurately assess the value of your case and will work tirelessly to obtain a fair result if you are suffering from a head injury.

Contact a proven New Jersey personal injury lawyer today to schedule an initial consultation

At The Gargano Law Firm, we help accident victims across the Tri-State area get the compensation they need to move forward with their lives following their injury. Please call 201-653-6166 or contact us online to schedule a consultation at our Jersey City office.

Contact the Firm


The Gargano Law Firm


295-299 Newark Avenue,
Jersey City, New Jersey 07302

